Our Story

Our Story


We are a mother and daughter team, both have sensitive, re-active and allergy prone skin. In addition to this we carry the South African genetic R59W gene responsible for Variegate Porphyria,  I have the active disease in an acute form which affects the skin amongst other issues. 

During the onset of Covid-19 at the start of 2020,  we had what can only be described as a reality check. Covid brought about many changes globally, many people suddenly found themselves in a lockdown situation, enabling us to drastically  slow down, change our working patterns and habits.

Because of this lockdown we were able to take a good look at our lifestyle habits which contributed to our skin problems. The constant ongoing eczema outbreaks that no amount of over the counter medication could alleviate. The unhealthy eating habits developed over time, combined with stressful jobs. 

Suddenly our movements were curtailed, gone were the days of international or national travel, families were and are still kept apart.....but....the skies were clear, we could breath in cleaner air because with restriction on movement there were fewer cars on the road, no planes in the air, etc and that equalled less air pollution. 

This was the prompt and turning point for us, we re-evaluated and questioned our beliefs, goals and what we wanted from life.  Rushing from one task to the next, always too busy to enjoy special moments, to make that phone call to friends or family, spend time with a pet or just appreciate how wonderful nature and the planet are and how they work in harmony. This had to change.

We have not seen our precious family who are scattered globally for well over a year due to restricted air travel. This made us realise what was really important in life, things that all the money in the world could not replace.

In short this was a whole complete change encompassing and focusing on not just one area of lifestyle but the whole.  

We have always been actively involved in skincare to some degree, especially with regard to essential oils and their therapeutic benefits and again how wonderful is nature, because that's were all these beautiful oils stem from!

Hence, Essential Embrace - A Touch of Nature was born.