Our Ethos

Our Ethos

We are also big supporters of the animal rights movement and all our products are 100% cruelty- free, hoping that people realise there are alternative options out there for those wanting to support and create awareness themselves, making a difference to the lives of many animals. Another important aspect for us was to not only provide a product that is all natural and cruelty-free but also one that is environmentally friendly. All our packaging has been carefully selected to either be re-used in various ways or alternatively recycled and we have chosen aluminium containers to reduce wastage, protect our home and another primary advantage is it helps protect the ingredients as well. Our finished product is then neatly wrapped in a linen bag and attached is a uniquely written inspirational quote to share some positivity, encouragement, and empowerment amongst our clients. Supporting various charitable causes is another way our business wants to make a change and create awareness. We have selected, you, Living Without Abuse as our first charity. 

We appreciate everything you stand for and all that you are doing to help support women, men and people of all ages and backgrounds. And because of this we pledge to donate a percentage of our profits to your charity. This is a cause that is close to home for us and we are humbled to be working along side an inspirational organisation such as yours. Uniqueness and exclusivity are what we at Essential Embrace strive for and we want to make each and every client of ours feel special. This is why we delicately selected everything that we feel reflects who we are. We want to inspire; we want to empower, and we want to make a change and together with the support of our clients and Living Without Abuse we feel this is within our reach.